divendres, 23 de gener del 2015

The best job in the world

Those are the results from 6th grade students, these are the best jobs for them

Working on the project on PhotoPeach

Natural phenomenon

 Look at the students preparing the project!!

Preparing the project on PhotoPeach

Here you can see our experiments and models demonstrating our natural phenomenon.

earthquake 5è A

Volcanic eruption 5è A

Floods and landslides 5è A

hurricane 5è A

Tornado5è A

Tsunami 5è A

volcanic eruption 5èB

tsunami 5è B

Earthquake 5èB

Tornado 5è B

Floods and landslides 5è B

Here are our projects and some presentations

Read more publications at Calaméo

tsunami presentation 5è B

 Now here are the answers to the BIG question: Can any of these phenomenon occur here in Catalonia?
And the answer is:

What??? Of course there are volcanoes in Catalonia, what about "la zona volcanica d'OLOT?
Try again!